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Would lipo give me a flat stomach side view? For rear view maybe BBL would help round hips & illusion of smaller waste?

Would lipo give me a flat stomach side view? For rear view maybe BBL would help round hips & illusion of smaller waste?

Would lipo give me a flat stomach side view? For rear view maybe BBL would help round hips & illusion of smaller waste?

Q: My BMI is 31 and have been stuck here for five years even with tons of cardio, eating sensibly & lifting weights. At age 37 I have a healthy resting heart rate of 58-61bps but still overweight at 30% body fat. At my heaviest years ago I was 210lbs (after having baby) now 170lbs and stuck here way too long 🙁 Would just lipo help me or do I need a tummy tuck as well to get flat stomach? What do you think about combining above with fat transfer to hips/butt to achieve illusion of smaller waste?

A: I think you will get your best result from a Tummy Tuck with Brazilian Butt lift and possibly some additionalliposuction. Performing liposuction alone on your abdomen will not address the underlying muscle looseness and will probably leave you with loose hanging skin. Pregnancy stretches the abdominal muscles. Unfortunately exercise and diet alone will not repair them – as you have seen. You have been very disciplined but have probably done as much as is possible without surgery. I perform these procedures together for healthy women in my surgery center outside Atlanta. I would suggest your next step would be a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon.