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Will Your Health Stop You From Having Surgery? Yes it Will See Why….

Will Your Health Stop You From Having Surgery? Yes it Will See Why….

Will Your Health Stop You From Having Surgery? Yes it Will See Why….

Plastic Surgery is more than just waving a magic wand and giving you a new body, its major surgery! So it’s necessary to maintain good health to be a candidate for Plastic Surgery.

On today’s episode of CurveLife TV you will watch how our patient was facing some health issues prior to her surgery. She was able to get her health under control and give herself a wonderful gift for her 47th birthday. Watch her experience from the day of surgery through her 1 week post-op appointment.

Are You a Candidate for Cosmetic Surgery?

A good candidate for Plastic Surgery is a person of good health, with reasonable expectations and someone who understands the possible risks that are associated with plastic surgery.

Some of the most common serious health problems that may disqualify you as plastic surgery candidate are Diabetes, Hypertension (High Blood Pressure), Anemia or any bleeding disorder, Rhuematological disorders, Immune System Deficiencies, Cancer, Heart Disease, and Severe Mental Disorders.

Smoking is a definite NO when it comes to having surgery! We require patients to stop smoking completely for 4 – 6 weeks prior to surgery and continue 4-6 weeks after surgery. Smoking constricts your blood vessels and restricts the binding of oxygen, which reduces the amount of oxygen that is available to your cells. You will not heal as well after your surgery without the necessary amount of oxygen in your cells for proper healing. Some risks associated with smoking are prolonged healing time, hypertrophic scarring, wound separation and skin necrosis (skin death). Smokers are also more likely to have complications during anesthesia and develop infections after surgery. Smokers have a higher risk of being hospitalized after surgery.