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Which diet would be most suitable for losing weight prior to surgery?

Which diet would be most suitable for losing weight prior to surgery?

Which diet would be most suitable for losing weight prior to surgery?
Q: I would like to bring my BMI down one or two points prior to my surgery and based on my previous dieting experience I do really well on the Atkins, no carb diet and also I had great success with HCG drops in the past. I know losing the weight with healthy eating and exercise is always the better way but thats not very realistic being that i only have 3 weeks to do it. Is there one or the other of these diets that would be beneficial or detrimental in pre op preparation?

A: Everyone is different so there is no one weight loss plan that works for everyone. I offer medical weight loss in my plastic surgery practice just north of Atlanta. I prescribe injectable HCG along with a supervised low calorie diet. I myself and many of my patients have had great success. I feel that being close to your goal weight before surgery is key to a great outcome. For years I advised my patients to lose weight without giving specific guidelines with little success. Adding this service has been very beneficial.