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The Struggles of your Past Should NEVER Determine Your Future !!

The Struggles of your Past Should NEVER Determine Your Future !!

The Struggles of your Past Should NEVER Determine Your Future !!

  • Part 1 – [YOU ARE HERE]- The struggles of your past should never determine your future!
  • Part 2 – 1 week follow up video

Today on CurveLifeTV watch the heartwarming story of this beautiful soul. Coming to Dr. Curves to regain control of her life with this body transformation. With having to overcome many life struggles and triumph she is finally taking back her life!! Coming all the way from Fisher, Indiana To share her inspirational story. At 46 years old she is more than ready transformation. After overcoming years of abuse and having 8 children she wants to be an inspiration to women everywhere. After researching for about 2 years and having the amazing support from her loving family she is finally here. Becoming over joyed with excitement this is a story you can’t miss out on. With a weight of 206 lbs. and a height of 5’10, We are going to give her the PORSHA BOOTY and flat tummy she very well deserves. Check out her amazing transformation after Dr. Curves gives her the CURVES she has been longing for.



This is Part 2 of a 2 part series on answering the question, “The Struggles of your Past Should NEVER Determine Your Future”

  • Part 1 – [YOU ARE HERE]- The struggles of your past should never determine your future!
  • Part 2 – 1 week follow up video

Hello everyone! Do you remember that heartwarming story about over coming life obstacles and taking your life back? Well she is back !!

Only 1 weeks after getting 900 cc’s of fat in each buttock and 200 cc’s of fat in each hip. This courageous woman is looking and feeling AMAZING!!! After finally making the decision to take her life back and be happy with the body she is in , she looks awesome. She is all ready to go back home to Indiana COMPLETELY in love with her new curves!!
Thanks for Watching!

If you have an interest in having a procedure with Dr. Jimerson we can be reached at 678-205-8400 option 1 or fill out the form below to have one of our consultants contact you.