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Should I get BBL done with general anesthesia or local?

Should I get BBL done with general anesthesia or local?

Should I get BBL done with general anesthesia or local?

Q: I do not have a lot of fat and thus wondering if local will suffice. 2 Doctors I am interested in & have also checked their pix. 1 of the 2 docs costs less and is a derm/cosmetic surgeon whom performs local. The 2nd doc is a ASPS certified, general anesthesia & costs $2K MORE!! I am so confused. I like the ref pix from both docs. I must add that this would be my 2nd plastic surgery as I have had breast implants done 5 yrs ago. I’m 5’9″, 184lbs. ANY INFORMATION WOULD BE GREAT!! HELP!!

A: You raise 2 good questions: local vs general anesthesia for BBL and dermatologist vs plastic surgeon for BBL.
I am a board certified plastic surgeon with my own certified surgery center. I recommend general anesthesia. Liposuction is painful. While I have performed it under local in the past, I find that my patients are uncomfortable this way and it limits the amount of liposuction I am able to perform. The liposculpture is critical to the outcome of your BBL and in my opinion, it is best done under general anesthesia. Anytime you are considering surgery, I would ask the performing doctor if they have credentials to perform this procedure in the hospital and how they would handle any complications that may arise. As a board certified plastic surgeon, I have the expertise to handle any surgical complications that may arise and the credentials to operate in a hospital if necessary. I would ask ANY provider who is offering liposuction under local anesthesia if they have the credentials to do it under general anesthesia and if they have hospital privileges to perform the procedure in the hospital. If they don’t, I would recommend doing research into whether or not this is a surgeon. Surgical and Medical training programs differ greatly. There are a lot of doctors who perform cosmetic procedures but not all are surgeons. Surgeons often cost more, but in my opinion, the expertise is worth it.