Gastric Bypass
What is Gastric Bypass surgery?
Gastric Bypass surgery is a procedure designed to help you lose weight by changing the way your stomach and your small intestine handles the food that you eat. The procedure makes your stomach smaller, and you will feel full by eating less food.
During the surgery the stomach is divided into two ouches – a small upper pouch, and a large, lower “remnant” pouch. The small intestine is then rearranged so it can be connected to both.
It is a relatively safe procedure that often produces remarkable weight loss results.
Gastric Bypass Cost
Costs can vary based on individual patient needs and the amount of surgery required.
The costs involved in this procedure include facility/hospital fees, medical tests, anesthesia fees, Dr. Jimerson’s fee and any medication or post-operative garments that may be required. Our staff will provide you with a detailed cost estimate for your procedure.
Gastric Bypass Candidates
- You are morbidly obese, and weigh 100 pounds or more over your “ideal weight”
- You have a BMI of 40 or higher
- You have a BMI of 35 or higher along with other related life-threatening conditions
- You enjoy otherwise relatively good health without any medical conditions that could jeopardize your healing or present surgical risks
• You’re a non-smoker (smoking can impair the healing process), and you have realistic expectations on what the surgery can do for you
Gastric Bypass Recovery
Recovery from laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery is relatively quick, as the small incisions used in laparoscopy heal quickly. You will be given medication to control any pain you have.
You should stand and walk as soon as possible following the surgery. You may feel a lack of energy and tire easily, but short, frequent walks will help, and you should gradually increase the distance. The more physical activity you do, the faster your recovery.
Avoid lifting anything heavier than 20 pounds during the first 3-6 weeks following your surgery. Avoid any heavy work, lifting or pushing heavy items for the first 3 months after your procedure. You should also avoid sitting or standing without moving for long amounts of time.
It is also recommended that you drink 8, 8 ounce glasses of water each day to help with any nausea for the first few weeks after surgery. It’s easier to do this by taking small, frequent sips.
There can also be an emotional on the patient. Some patients suffer from depression and low energy levels because of the strict diet limitations that are in place after the procedure. As you acclimate to your new diet and restrictions, this should pass.
Gastric Bypass Results
For the severely obese, gastric bypass surgery produces some remarkable results. First, there is a weight loss of approximately 65-80% of the excess body weight over time. This takes people from the morbidly obese category to the “normal” category in weight and BMI.
More importantly, gastric bypass surgery helps reduce a variety of medical conditions – often dramatically. For example, hyperlipidemia is corrected in over 70% of patients, with the same result for essential hypertension. Type 2 diabetes is reversed in almost 90% of patients, often within several days of surgery, eliminating the need for medication for blood sugar problems.
Other benefits include relief of lower back and joint pain in almost all patients.
Gastric Bypass Procedure Steps
You will discuss various anesthesia options with Dr. Jimerson, including sedation and general anesthesia. He will determine the best type of anesthesia based on the procedure, your health history and his preferences.
More and more the surgery of choice for gastric bypass is laparoscopic. Dr. Jimerson will make several small incisions in your abdomen. One is for a surgical scope that is connected to a video camera, and the others allow insertion of highly specialized surgical instruments. Dr. Jimerson is able to view the operation on a video screen. He will create a small, thumb-sized pouch from the upper stomach, while bypassing the remaining stomach. It can be totally divided or can be partitioned, both options using surgical staples.
Finally, the doctor will reconstruct the GI tract for drainage from both segments of the stomach.
Gastric Bypass risks and safety information
Dr. Jimerson and his trained staff will do everything possible to minimize risks and postoperative complications. Risks of the procedure may include:
Anesthesia • Bleeding • Infection • Bruising • Breathing problems • Leaks in the gastrointestinal system • Gallstones • Malnutrition
It’s important to discuss any concerns you have with Dr. Jimerson prior to your surgery. If you have a question – please ask!
Your Gastric Bypass Consultation
Prior to surgery you will have a consultation with Dr. Jimerson. This is an important appointment, as it will give you an opportunity to ask questions about the procedure and what you can expect from the surgery.
He will discuss you specific goals, take a medical history and review your current medications. Photos may be taken, both before and after the surgery.
You will also be able to learn what options are available to you, along with the risks and possible complications of the procedure.
Preparing for Gastric Bypass Surgery
hat happens prior to gastric bypass surgery? You will have lab tests, and the doctor may have you take new medications or adjust the medications that you’re currently taking.
If you smoke, you must stop several weeks prior the surgery, as it can severely impeded the healing process.
Finally, you should arrange to have someone available to drive you home after your surgery, and to be with you for the first night.
Gastric Bypass words to know
Gastric Bypass: a surgical procedure that restricts food intake and the amount of the body absorbs. In this procedure, the surgeon creates a small stomach pouch and attaches a section of the small intestine directly to the pouch. This allows food to bypass a portion of the small intestine. Having a smaller stomach pouch causes a person to feel full sooner and eat less; bypassing part of the small intestine means the body absorbs fewer calories.
Laparoscopy: A surgical technique that uses video cameras and small instruments for faster recovery and healing
Small Intestine: The part of the intestine that is located between the stomach and the large intestine. It is comprised of the duodenum, jejunum and ileum
Bariatric surgery: Weight-loss surgery
Duodenum: The first 12 inches of the small intestine that lies immediately below the stomach
Questions to ask Dr. Jimerson
Here are some questions to consider:
– What surgical technique is recommended?
– How long will the recovery period be for my surgery?
– What risks are associated with my surgery?
– What type of complications can happen?
– When will I be able to see the results of my surgery?
– Do you think that I’m a good candidate for this procedure?
Bes sure to ask any other questions you have about Dr. Jimerson, the procedure or anything else that concerns you about your surgery.
Why Choose Dr. Andrew Jimerson?
The team is committed to meet your unique needs, with a natural, long-lasting look. Because of his expertise, Dr. Jimerson offers patients reduced operative times, which means faster recovery times. In addition, he strives to use techniques that are safer than traditional procedures.
Schedule a Consultation
The best way to determine if gastric bypass is right for you is to schedule an appointment with Dr. Jimerson. The doctor will discuss the procedure, evaluate your concerns relating to your body and answer any questions you may have. To schedule your appointment, click here.
Gastric Bypass surgery