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I understand stretch marks can’t be removed above the belly button with a TT but can an old piercing be cut away?

I understand stretch marks can’t be removed above the belly button with a TT but can an old piercing be cut away?

I understand stretch marks can’t be removed above the belly button with a TT but can an old piercing be cut away?

Q: Although I have stretched marked skin, the skin itself is quite thick and not thin like some I’ve seen is this fat, skin or both? My weight is 137 and my tummy just won’t shift. On standing it’s not the worst I’ve seen but bent over yuk! Will this thick skin stretch enough for a low scar?

A: You look like a great candidate for a tummy tuck. Navel piercings can often be removed with the tummy tuck, but it depends on how much extra skin you have. During a tummy tuck, your surgeon will cut around your belly button leaving it in place. (S)he will then repair the abdominal muscles, pull the skin tight, cut off the excess and then sew the incision closed and then bring your belly button through. If you don’t have enough skin to remove the piercing altogether, (s)he will have to close the piercing (creating a small scar), then proceed with the procedure. You will need to be seen in person. An experienced surgeon should be able to tell you beforehand whether or not you have enough skin to remove the piercing.