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How damage is my vagina?

How damage is my vagina?

How damage is my vagina?

Q: Hi I’m 20 years old and I had 1 5 pound baby when I was 18 and ever since than I felt loose I don’t know why it just don’t feel tight I soak in hot water still not tight Sometimes I don’t get feeling idk if its because my child father small penis or what I’m writing to see if any doctor can tell me about how damage am I or how damage it look

A: The external appearance of your vagina is normal. The looseness you are experiencing is quite common after pregnancy and childbirth. During pregnancy the muscles of your vagina separate with the pressure of your growing womb. They can separate even more during a vaginal delivery. It’s not your fault and it can be repaired surgically rather easily. Much like a tummy tuck, the muscles and connective tissue of the vaginal vault (the area of the vagina that is deeper than the opening) can be brought back together and restored to pre-pregnancy tightness with a designer vaginoplasty. This should result in a much more satisfying sexual experience for you.