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Hair Replacement

What is hair replacement surgery?

The process of hair transplant surgery involves removing small pieces of hair bearing scalp grafts that are taken from a donor site and then placing them in a bald or thinning area on the scalp.

What causes hair loss? The only proven causes of hair loss are aging, a change in hormones and a family history of baldness. Unfortunately, the earlier hair loss begins; the resulting baldness will be more severe over time.

Are you a candidate for a hair replacement surgery?

As with most elective cosmetic procedures, there are several basic criteria that determine if you’re a good candidate for hair replacement surgery. They include:

  • You have donor sites with healthy hair growth at the back and sides of your head
  • You enjoy relatively good health without any medical conditions that could jeopardize your healing or present surgical risk
  • You’re a non-smoker (smoking can impair the healing process), and you have realistic expectations on what the surgery can do for you
Cost for hair replacement surgery
Costs can vary based on individual patient needs and the amount of surgery required.The costs involved in this procedure include facility/hospital fees, medical tests, anesthesia fees, Dr. Jimerson’s fee and any medication or post-operative garments that may be required. Our staff will provide you with a detailed cost estimate for your procedure.
The Recovery Process
Following your surgery, there will be some discomfort and swelling. The pain can be controlled with the medication prescribed by Dr. Jimerson. If bandages are used, they will be removed one day later. You can wash your hair within two days and your stitches will be removed in a week to 10 days.Most patients return to work and light activity within several days.



Avoid any excess force or motion following your surgery and during your recovery process. New hair growth will probably fall out within six weeks following your surgery, but it is only temporary. New hair growth will resume in approximately five weeks.

The Surgery
You will discuss various hair replacement options with Dr. Jimerson. You may require several surgical sessions to achieve fullness, and it requires time to heal between each procedure. Because of this, it can take up to two years before you see the final results.The procedure involves taking small pieces of hair bearing scalp grafts from a donor site and placing them in the bald or thinning area of your scalp. There are different size grafts that differ by shape and size.

Your donor site will be trimmed short for easier access. You may have punch grafts taken with a special tube-like instrument, or Dr. Jimerson may use a scalpel to take small sections of the donor scalp. The donor site will have sutures placed where the grafts were taken.

After the grafting process is completed, the scalp will be cleaned and covered with gauze. You may require a pressure bandage for several days.

An alternative to grafting is flap surgery. A section of bald scalp is removed and a flap of hair bearing skin is lifted and repositioned, then sewn into place while still attached to its original blood supply. This is often used in tandem with scalp reduction surgery.

Scalp reduction involves pulling the hair-bearing scalp forward to fill hair in a bald crown area. After an injection of local anesthetic, a segment of bald scalp is removed, and the section of hair-bearing scalp is brought together and sutured. This will produce a strong tugging feeling and occasional pain while it heals.

Risks involved in hair replacement surgery

As with any surgical procedure, there are some potential risks or complications. You have to determine if the benefits that you’ll obtain from your procedure outweigh the risks involved.Dr. Jimerson and his trained staff will do everything possible to minimize risks and post-operative complications. Risks may include:

  • Infection • excessive bleeding • Wide scars • Grafts won’t “take” • Death of skin plugs • Small bumps from plug grafts

It’s important to discuss any concerns you have with Dr. Jimerson prior to your surgery. If you have a question – please ask!

Meeting with Dr. Jimerson
Prior to hair replacement surgery you will have a consultation with Dr. Jimerson. This is an important appointment, as it will give you an opportunity to ask questions about the procedure and what you can expect from the procedure.He will discuss you specific goals, take a medical history and review your current medications. Photos are usually taken, both before and after the surgery.



You will also be able to learn what options are available to you, along with the risks and possible complications of the procedure.

Questions to ask Dr. Jimerson

During your appointment, it’s good to ask Dr. Jimerson questions about your procedure.Here are some questions to consider:

–       What surgical technique is recommended?

–       How long will the recovery period be for my surgery?

–       What risks are associated with my surgery?

–       What type of complications can happen?

–       When will I be able to see the results of my surgery?

–       Do you think that I’m a good candidate for this procedure?

Bes sure to ask any other questions you have about Dr. Jimerson, the procedure or anything else that concerns you about your surgery.

Hair replacement surgery preparation

What happens prior to hair replacement surgery? You will have lab tests, and the doctor may have you take new medications or adjust the medications that you’re currently taking.If you smoke, you must stop several weeks prior the surgery, as it can severely impeded the healing process.

Finally, you should arrange to have someone available to drive you home after your surgery, and to be with you for the first night.


Hair replacement surgery results are long lasting. As mentioned, your new hair growth will begin to fall out around five weeks following surgery. Remember that this is only temporary. After another five or six-week period, your hair will regrow and be permanent.

A special note to women

About 20% of women experience some degree of hair loss due to aging, illness or hormonal changes that happen after menopause. The thinning hair that women usually experience can be treated using mini-grafts, which are taken from the dense hair growth found at the back of the head.While your hair replacement surgery can’t replace the hair you had prior to your hair loss, your surgery will help to provide more fullness and hide the thin areas of your hair.

Why use Dr. Jimerson and the Advanced Plastic Surgery Solutions team?
Dr. Jimerson and his team have years of extensive training and experience in all areas of cosmetic surgery, liposuction and fat grafting. He has pioneered face and body sculpting techniques that bring patients exceptional, long-lasting results.The team is committed to meet your unique needs, with a natural, long-lasting look. Because of his expertise, Dr. Jimerson offers patients reduced operative times, which means faster recovery times. In addition, he strives to use techniques that are safer than traditional procedures.
Schedule your appointment

The best way to determine if hair replacement surgery is right for you is to schedule an appointment with Dr. Jimerson. The doctor will discuss the procedure, evaluate your concerns relating to your body and answer any questions you may have. To schedule your appointment click here.