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Do you need drains for Brazilian Butt Lift or not???

Do you need drains for Brazilian Butt Lift or not???

Do you need drains for Brazilian Butt Lift or not???

Q: I have 1 doctor saying he uses drains on everybody and the other doctor saying he never uses them! Deciding between the 2 and I just don’t know! Both are board certified and do the procedure often

A: The use or not of drains shouldn’t be the deciding factor when choosing a plastic surgeon. Look at each surgeon’s results and reviews. I use drains regularly. I am aggressive with liposuction. This can lead to fluid accumulation in the treated areas. These fluid collections are a major source of post-operative headaches and leaving them in place can cause lumpiness. While drains are admittedly inconvenient, they are only temporary, they decrease seromas and infection and, I believe, lead to better long term results. Every surgeon is different and some feel they have great results without drains. I think the results are more important rather than this small detail in the process.