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Difference in price based on facility…

Difference in price based on facility…

Difference in price based on facility…

Q: Is it generally higher cost when having procedure in a hospital versus a private run facility that many surgeons have? For a tummy tuck and breast lift?

A: This is a great question. There are several costs included in the quote you receive for your plastic surgery: the cost of materials used in your procedure (implants, surgical supplies, dressings, etc.), the surgeon’s fee and the facility fee. The facility fee varies greatly depending on where your procedure is performed. In general hospitals have high facility fees that are typically non-negotiable. You might also have fewer scheduling options with a hospital. Surgery centers typically have lower costs and more flexibility. A surgeon with his or her own operating suite will usually be able to offer the lowest cost and highest scheduling flexibility. Make sure that whatever option you choose is accredited! AAAASF is an independent body that verifies that independent surgery centers are operating safely.