How to Prepare for your Pre-operative Appointment & Surgery
How to Prepare For Your Pre-op Consultation
How to Prepare For Your Surgery
What to Expect On the Day of Surgery
- Financing and Payment Information
- Financial Policy
- Cancellation Policy
- Revision Policy
- Refund Policy
- Frequently Ask Questions
- What to Expect After Surgery
Pre-op Checklist
- You will need to make sure that you have your surgery paid in full 3 weeks prior to your surgery date. If your surgery is not paid in full 3 weeks prior to your surgery date it will be cancelled.
- Medical clearance is due 3 weeks prior to surgery but has to be performed within 30 days of your surgery date. This cost is not included in your quote. The medical clearance will include lab test, medical history, past surgical history & current medications. If we do not have your medical clearance in our office 3 weeks prior to your surgery date, your surgery will be cancelled.
- Quit smoking 6 weeks before surgery and remain smoke-free for at least 4 weeks after surgery
- You will also need to avoid alcohol consumption for at least 1 week prior.
- There are also certain medications that you will need to avoid as well, for instance aspirins, vitamin E and all NSAIDS.
- If you are taking birth control you will need to stop taking it 2 weeks prior to surgery, please make sure to use an alternative method of birth control.
- Medication costs are not included in your price and can run up to $350
- Arrange for childcare and an adult caregiver for you for the first 2 days or so after your surgery.
- Arrange for an adult (18 years or older) to drive you home after surgery
- Medical clearance is due 3 weeks prior to surgery but has to be performed within 30 days of your surgery date. This cost is not included in your quote.
- Your pre-op appointment with us is usually scheduled 2 weeks prior to surgery for signing consents for surgery, final questions for Dr. Jimerson, pre-op photos, and prescriptions.
- Out-of-town patients will need to stay close by for 7-14 days after surgery.
Things you may need to have after surgery:
- Peroxide, gauze, and surgical tape
- Extra cushions, pillows, blankets, sheets, or mattress cover if staying in a hotel
- Nursing pillow (like a Boppy©) for butt procedures
- Antibacterial soap or Hibiclens© for bathing
- Sanitary pads (for surgical dressings)
Surgical Pre-Op Instructions
- Your Surgery is Scheduled forat
- Arrive1 hour before your scheduled time. If you are more than 15 minutes late your surgery may be cancelled. Occasionally, a patient’s procedure takes longer than expected on an emergency occurs that may delay your surgical time. Also, a staff member may call to ask you to come in earlier than requested, if Dr. Jimerson’s schedule is progressing earlier than anticipated
- DO NOT EAT OR DRINK ANYTHING (INCLUDING WATER), SMOKE, CHEW TOBACCO OR GUM AFTER MIDNIGHT THE NIGHT BEFORE YOUR SURGERY, UNLESS OTHERWISE INSTRUCTED BY YOUR DOCTOR. Failure to follow these important instructions may result in your surgery being rescheduled or cancelled.
- You may brush your teeth but do not swallow any water.
- Every patient MUST be accompanied by an adult 18 years of age or older. That person may leave temporarily during your surgery and recovery but must be within 15 minutes of the surgery center. They must not leave the surgery center without leaving a working cell phone number. No patient will be allowed to ride in a taxi without an adult caregiver present. An adult must be with you at all times for 12-24 hours after surgery. This is mandated by the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgical Facilities. If your caregiver does not return to the surgery center before your discharge, or is unable to remain with you for 12-24 hours, a nurse will be assigned to care for you until your caregiver and/or ride arrives. You are responsible for the fee for this service: $50.00/hour. The nurse will be paid directly by you at the time of departure. We ask that these services are set up ahead of time if possible. (no personal checks or credit/debit cards will be accepted. This is an independent home care service and is not affiliated with Dr. Jimerson’s surgery center. ) If you do not agree to these terms, your surgery will be cancelled and you will forfeit your deposit.
- Bring all prescription medications with you to the surgery center.
- If you live more than an hour from our facility and you are having one of the following procedures: butt augmentation, tummy tuck, liposuction of 2 or more areas, breast reduction, or any procedure lasting longer than 4 hours, it is necessary for you to stay at a location close to the surgery center to allow us to monitor your recovery closely. You may travel after 48 hours if you live less than 4 hours away. If you live more than 4 hours from our facility you will need to stay a minimum of one week. You may need to stay longer if you have any complications. Anyone who does not follow these recommendations is at risk of severe complications or undesired cosmetic outcomes.
- Some procedures will require a drain which will remain in place for 1- 2weeks after surgery. Instructions will be provided by the nurse along with a log to record drainage. Out-of-town patients should plan to stay close by until the drain is removed.