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Can breast fat be transferred to the buttock via liposuction?

Can breast fat be transferred to the buttock via liposuction?

Can breast fat be transferred to the buttock via liposuction?

Q: I am exactly 5ft tall and I wear a size 38DD. I am scheduled to have a consultation with a plastic surgeon in my area for a BBL and would like to know how likely it is for a plastic surgeon to do lipo on the breast to transfer to my butt.

A: While I will perform liposuction on the breasts in conjunction with a breast reduction or lift, I do not transfer this fat elsewhere in the body. The breasts are a cancer prone organ and the transfer of breast tissue – even breast fat- to another location could lead to moving breast cancer to another part of the body where it is less likely to be detected early.

You need relatively large amounts of fat to make any noticeable change in size or shape to the buttocks. This is far more fat than you can typically recover from the breasts. I typically transfer fat from the abdomen, flanks, lower back and/or thighs to the buttocks.