Buttock Augmentation
When the buttock augmentation is done using fat transfer from other parts of the body, it’s often referred to as a Brazilian Butt Lift. The buttock can also be augmented with implants as well. You can also do a combination of both fat grafting and a buttock implant depending on the surgeon’s recommendations.
Are you a candidate for Buttock Augmentation?
As with most elective cosmetic procedures, there are several basic criteria that determine if you’re a good candidate for the buttock augmentation procedure. They include:
• 18 years or older
• In good emotional and physical health
• Unhappy with the size and appearance of buttock
• Have tried fitness routines and not achieved your appearance goals
• Your buttocks are not symmetrical
• You have realistic expectations on what the surgery can do for you
• You must understand that this procedure is for aesthetic improvement and not perfection.
• You’re a non-smoker (smoking will impair the healing process and can alter your healing and results) smokers must stop completely a minimum of 4 weeks prior to surgery.
What is the cost for Buttock Augmentation?
Buttock Augmentation with fat grafting is a surgical procedure that is customized to meet each individual patient’s unique needs and desired results, so the cost varies. The pricing starts at $10,300 (this includes certain areas of liposuction to be determined by the surgeon), which includes all Operating Room fees, Anesthesia fees, and Surgeon fees. We offer 1 complimentary post surgical compression garment and there is no charge for any office visits post operatively.
We often do combination procedures along with the buttock augmentation to include, but are not limited to:
• Fat grafting to hips, breast and face
• Additional areas of liposuction
• Breast lift, breast augmentation, breast lift, breast reduction and fat grafting to breast
• Tummy tuck, mini tummy tuck, and J tuck
• Vaginal rejuvenation and tightening procedures
For pricing on additional procedures call 678-205-8400.
Financing is available for any of the procedures we offer click the link to view financing options.
We also offer fat storage for the excess fat that can be preserved for use at a later date. To learn more about our fat storage options call 678-205-8400.
buttock augmentation recovery
Different buttock augmentation procedures have different recovery instructions.
For a buttock augmentation with implants, you’ll need to wear a specific support garment for up to 3 weeks following the surgery. This gives support as well as allows the skin to drape properly following surgery.
For a buttock augmentation with fat grafting, you’ll have to avoid any prolonged sitting for two weeks or longer. This is very important! Sitting can damage the fat, and ruin the procedure. You’ll also have to sleep face down or on your side.
In addition, you’ll need to wear garments that provide support and compress the areas that were treated with liposuction. Often drains are placed in the incisions to help remove the excess fluids or blood. Dr. Jimerson will prescribe pain medications to keep you comfortable after the procedure. He will also discuss when you can resume normal activities and exercise.
While recovery periods will vary, most patients can resume exercise and regular activities in six to eight weeks.
Risks involved in buttock augmentation
As with any surgical procedure, there are some potential risks or complications. You have to determine if the benefits that you’ll obtain from your procedure outweigh the risks involved.
Dr. Jimerson and his trained staff will do everything possible to minimize risks and postoperative complications. Risks of the implant procedure may include:
Anesthesia • Bleeding • Infection • Scarring •Poor wound healing • Damage to underlying nerves • Firmness • Implant rupture or migration • Sciatic nerve pressure • Incision opening with implant exposure, requiring implant removal • Numbness or skin sensation changes • Persistent pain • Possible need to revise the surgery • Problems with sutures that may require removal
In addition, there are specific problems related to augmentation by fat transfer. These may include:
• Bruising • Fat embolism • Fluid shifting or lidocaine toxicity • Liposuction complications • Asymmetry • Stretch marks or cellulite
It’s important to discuss any concerns you have with Dr. Jimerson prior to your surgery. If you have a question – please ask!
Questions to ask Dr. Jimerson
During your appointment, it’s good to ask Dr. Jimerson questions about your surgery.
Here are some questions to consider:
What surgical technique is recommended?
How long will the recovery period be for my surgery?
What risks are associated with my surgery?
What type of complications can happen?
When will I be able to see the results of my surgery?
Do you think that I’m a good candidate for this procedure?
Be sure to ask any other questions you have about Dr. Jimerson, the procedure or anything else that concerns you about your surgery.
Why Choose Dr Andrew Jimerson II ?
Dr. Jimerson and his team have years of extensive training and experience in all areas of cosmetic surgery, liposuction and fat grafting. He has pioneered face and body sculpting techniques that bring patients exceptional, long-lasting results.
The team is committed to meet your unique needs, with a natural, long-lasting look. Because of his expertise, Dr. Jimerson offers patients reduced operative times, which means faster recovery times. In addition, he strives to use techniques that are safer than traditional procedures.
Buttock augmentation surgery preparation
What happens prior to the buttock augmentation surgery? You will have lab tests, and the doctor may have you take new medications or adjust the medications that you’re currently taking.
Avoid taking medications that can increase bleeding, like aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and various herbal supplements;
If you smoke, you must stop several weeks prior the surgery, as it can severely impeded the healing process.
Finally, you should arrange to have someone available to drive you home after your surgery, and to be with you for the first night.
Buttock Augmentation surgery consultation
He will discuss you specific goals, take a medical history and review your current medications. Photos are usually taken, both before and after the surgery.
You will also be able to learn what options are available to you, along with the risks and possible complications of the procedure.
Buttock augmentation results
You can expect to see results from your buttock augmentation surgery immediately after the procedure. Final results will be seen once all the swelling reduces over time.. You can expect your results to last a long time, as long as you keep your weight stable and stay fit.
If you had a buttock augmentation using fat transfer, please note that it might take up to a full year to see the final results. Also, your body will absorb some of the fat transferred, so the initial shape may change a bit.
Be sure to follow Dr. Jimerson’s instruction following your procedure to obtain optimal results.
Schedule your appointment
The best way to determine if buttock augmentation surgery is right for you is to schedule an appointment with Dr. Jimerson. The doctor will discuss the procedure, evaluate your concerns relating to your body and answer any questions you may have. To schedule your appointment, click here.
What happens during buttock augmentation surgery?
Based on what you and Dr. Jamison are trying to achieve, different techniques may be used during the procedure. This includes the buttock size and shape, the amount of body fat to be taken by liposuction for implant and your skin elasticity.
You will discuss various anesthesia options with Dr. Jimerson, including sedation and general anesthesia. He will determine the best type of anesthesia based on the procedures, your health history and his preferences.
The procedure is done in various ways.
Buttock Implant Procedure
If a buttock implant is used, incisions are made either in the gluteal creases, between the cheeks (hidden in the creases of the buttocks) or on both sides of the upper buttock. The areas that are affected will determine the size of the incision.
If an implant is used, it will be made of silicone that is specifically designed for the buttock area. It is placed in one of two places: either in the muscle or above the muscle on each side. After the implant is placed, layered sutures are used to close the incision.
Fat Grafting/Brazilian Butt Lift Procedure
If you’re having fat grafting, or the Brazilian Butt Lift procedure, liposuction is done through small incisions using a cannula. The fat, blood and tissues that were removed are processed, and then injected back into the buttocks through small injections all around the buttocks.
You will be able to see the results of buttock augmentation immediately after surgery, but the final results may take up to a year to be visible, as it takes time for the fat that is injected to “take.”