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Mommy MakeOver

What is Mommy Makeover Surgery?

For women who have gone through childbirth, gain their pre-baby bodies is tough. No amount of exercise alone will take care of the results of pregnancy or aging, including weight gain, stretch marks, sagging breasts, loss of muscle tone and other body changes.

To reverse these effects, we offer you the Mommy Makeover. This combines a variety of procedures that include liposuction body sculpting, a tummy tuck, arm and thigh lift, breast lift and augmentation if needed, butt lift and vaginal rejuvenation.

The Mommy Makeover will help rejuvenate your body and bring back your natural curves and contours while removing fatty deposits in your thighs, hips and waist, while restoring size and shape to your breasts.

It’s important to note that not all procedures will be done at one

Mommy Makeover Cost

Costs can vary based on individual patient needs and the amount of surgery required.

The costs involved in this procedure include facility/hospital fees, medical tests, anesthesia fees, Dr. Jimerson’s fee and any medication or post-operative garments that may be required. Our staff will provide you with a detailed cost estimate for your procedure.

Because you will be having multiple procedures, you will save money on anesthesia and other fees.

Mommy Makeover Candidates

As with most elective cosmetic procedures, there are several basic criteria that determine if you’re a good candidate for the Mommy Makeover surgery. They include:

  • Due to childbirth or aging you have separation of the abdominal muscle, stretched vaginal area, sagging breasts, stretch marks and loss of body tone
  • You enjoy relatively good health without any medical conditions that could jeopardize your healing or present surgical risks
  • You’re a non-smoker (smoking can impair the healing process), and you have realistic expectations on what the surgery can do for you
Mommy Makeover Recovery

You can expect to feel sore, as well as have bruising and swelling following the procedure. You’ll have specialized compression garments on the breast and body areas to provide support for your new shape and minimize the swelling. To combat the pain and discomfort, Dr. Jimerson will prescribe medication.

You’ll be able to resume your normal activities in 1-2 weeks following surgery, but it will depend on the amount and types of procedures you have. However, you’ll have to avoid any strenuous exercise or activities for 6 weeks. Results will be evident immediately after your surgery, but you will have to wait several months to see the final results when the swelling dissipates

Mommy Makeover Results

Patients will experience a variety of improvements in appearance from the Mommy Makeover procedure. The liposuction will remove fat deposits that diet and exercise alone can’t help remove. Your tummy tuck will remove excess fat and skin, while restoring abdominal muscles that have become separated. This will give you a smoother and firmer appearance.

Breast enhancement will depend on your individual needs, but may include a lift and augmentation. The augmentation can be done using an implant or fat transfer, depending on your particular needs.

The thigh lift and liposuction removes excess skin and fat and restores contours to the inner and outer thighs. When performed at the same time as a butt life you will lose the loose, sagging outer thigh skin. The arm lift and liposuction will remove loose, hanging skin while reducing the width of the upper arms.

If it’s part of your overall makeover, the butt lift and augmentation using fat transfer or implants will create fuller and rounder buttocks while providing the impression of a slimmer waist. If you have lots of fat available on your body, a Brazilian butt lift will remove fat from other areas of your body and transfer it to your butt.

Finally, vaginal rejuvenation will restore tightness and shape to the vagina, as well as tightening the vaginal opening. Dr. Jimerson may recommend a labiaplasty to reduce the size of your labia for cosmetic reasons.

Mommy Makeover Procedure Steps
You will discuss various anesthesia options with Dr. Jimerson, including sedation and general anesthesia. He will determine the best type of anesthesia based on the procedure, your health history and his preferences. Because you will be having multiple procedures at the same time, general anesthesia is usually recommended for a Mommy Makeover.
Various procedures are combined in one operation, and will depend on your needs and your discussion with Dr. Jimerson.


For a tummy tuck, skin and fat between the belly button and pubic hair is removed, and the abdominal muscle is tightened using sutures. Your belly button is repositioned, and the incision is sutured closed.

For liposuction, a sterile liquid containing a local anesthetic and epinephrine will be injected into areas where fat will be removed. Incisions are made, and Dr. Jimerson will use a cannula to suction out the fat. A compression garment is applied after the procedure.

For a breast lift, incisions are made and breast tissue is repositioned and reshaped, and excess skin is removed. The nipple and areola are repositioned to a more youthful height. Remaining skin is tightened and the incision is closed

For a breast reduction, incisions are made and excess fat and skin are removed. The nipple is repositioned and the areola is reduced if required. The breasts are reduced and lifted and the incision is brought together to reshape the smaller breasts.

For breast augmentation, you may have fat grafting or an implant, depending on your unique needs. Different procedures are used depending on the type of augmentation performed. Often, a breast lift is combined with breast augmentation as part of the Mommy Makeover.

Other procedures, including arm and thigh lifts, butt lifts and butt augmentation with fat grafting and vaginal rejuvenation are options as part of the Mommy Makeover. You should discuss your needs with Dr. Jimerson at the time of your consultation.

Mommy Makeover Risks and Safety Information
As with any surgical procedure, there are some potential risks or complications. You have to determine if the benefits that you’ll obtain from your procedure outweigh the risks involved.

Dr. Jimerson and his trained staff will do everything possible to minimize risks and postoperative complications. Risks of the Mommy Makeover will depend on the types of procedures done, and may include:

  • Anesthesia  • Bleeding  • Infection • • Bruising • Fat embolism • Fluid shifting or lidocaine toxicity • Liposuction complications • Asymmetry • Stretch marks or cellulite

It’s important to discuss any concerns you have with Dr. Jimerson prior to your surgery. If you have a question – please ask!

Your Mommy Makeover Consultation

Prior to your procedure you will have a consultation with Dr. Jimerson. This is an important appointment, as it will give you an opportunity to ask questions about the procedure and what you can expect from the surgery.

He will discuss you specific goals, take a medical history and review your current medications. Photos may be taken, both before and after the surgery.

You will also be able to learn what options are available to you, along with the risks and possible complications of the procedure.

Preparing for Mommy Makeover Surgery

What happens prior to a Mommy Makeover? You will have lab tests, and the doctor may have you take new medications or adjust the medications that you’re currently taking.

If you smoke, you must stop several weeks prior the surgery, as it can severely impeded the healing process.

Finally, you should arrange to have someone available to drive you home after your surgery, and to be with you for the first night.

Mommy Makeover Words to Know

Liposuction: Removing fatty deposits in the body using a suctioning technique

Cannula: A small, thin tube that is placed under the skin and vacuums out the fatty deposits

Epinephrine: A drug that helps blood vessels contract minimizing bleeding during the procedure

Local anesthetic: A drug like lidocaine that is injected into the skin to prevent pain during the procedure

General Anesthesia: You will be completely asleep during your procedure through medications and gasses administered by an anesthesiologist

Silicone implants: breast implants made using a silicone gel which feels natural to the touch

Gummy Bear Implants: breast implants that are firmer than silicone implants and offer more protection to the breasts

Round Implants: breast implants that produce a full appearance and offer a much larger projection of the breast

Fat Grafting: taking fat from one area of your body and having it grafted or reinjected to another part of your body

Breast Lift: A surgical procedure where the excess skin is removed and the breasts are brought back to a more youthful height and appearance

Breast Augmentation: A procedure to enhance the size of the breast using an implant or fat grafting

Questions to ask Dr. Jimerson
During your appointment, it’s good to ask Dr. Jimerson questions about your procedure.


Here are some questions to consider:

–       What surgical technique is recommended?

–       How long will the recovery period be for my surgery?

–       What risks are associated with my surgery?

–       What type of complications can happen?

–       When will I be able to see the results of my surgery?

–       Do you think that I’m a good candidate for this procedure?

Bes sure to ask any other questions you have about Dr. Jimerson, the procedure or anything else that concerns you about your surgery.

Why Choose Dr. Andrew Jimerson?

Dr. Jimerson and his team have years of extensive training and experience in all areas of cosmetic surgery, liposuction and fat grafting. He has pioneered face and body sculpting techniques that bring patients exceptional, long-lasting results.

The team is committed to meet your unique needs, with a natural, long-lasting look. Because of his expertise, Dr. Jimerson offers patients reduced operative times, which means faster recovery times. In addition, he strives to use techniques that are safer than traditional procedures.

Schedule a Consultation

The best way to determine if a Mommy Makeover is right for you is to schedule an appointment with Dr. Jimerson. The doctor will discuss the procedure, evaluate your concerns relating to your body and answer any questions you may have. To schedule your appointment, click here.

What is Mommy Makeover Surgery?

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